
Going Solar Saves! When One Household Switches to Solar, There’s an Impact on The Planet

Solar energy harnesses renewable, clean power that the sun provides. In addition, because you’re adopting an affordable alternative to fossil fuels, the environmental impact of solar energy is a reduction of greenhouse gases and carbon footprints left by homes and businesses running energy. If your household alone used a solar system, you would positively impact the environment around you. We’re talking about shrinking your carbon footprint (and electricity bill) for a low cost.

The ugly side of energy production

The environmental impact of solar energy saves earth from carbon emissions, rising global temperature, carbon dioxide, and greenhouse gases.

Figure 1: Rising Global Temperatures and CO2 (Climate Central, 2017)

When burned, fossil fuels produce harmful gases, causing global temperatures to rise. This process creates negative changes within the climate. Severe environmental and public health issues, as well as ecosystem changes, extreme weather events, and rising sea levels occur.

Unfortunately, the United States generates almost all electricity from fossil fuels like natural gas and coal. These are expensive, limited, and harmful to the environment. Generating electricity from solar power instead of from fossil fuels helps reduce the dramatic effects caused by greenhouse gases, improving life overall.

The environmental impact of solar energy is favorable

A study conducted in Connecticut informs that households which adopted renewable energy collectively reduced the same amount of carbon emission. The results equaled planting 155 trees a year, showing homeowners how going solar guarantees a greener future.

Furthermore, the resource for solar energy is free and abundant. An estimate shows that if we spent just one hour capturing all the sun’s energy, we could provide the planet with power for a full year. Fossil fuels are a source of finite energy that simply pale in comparison to what is abundantly available—the sun.

And aside from decreasing the annual cost of your energy bills, the resale value of your home begins to skyrocket. Many homeowners are reporting an increase of almost $6,000 per kilowatt in their home’s worth. Should you decide to sell, your home’s value increases to about $18,000 with a 3.1-kilowatt system installed.

There are also tax credits and rebates available to homeowners who install solar panels on their home. The federal income tax credit is offered when you file your taxes to receive 30% back on the total cost of your system. This credit is applied to both the equipment and the installation of your solar panels. There may also be state and local rebates for which to apply, meaning you could cut the cost of your system to almost half.

Panels will draw energy to improve your home and the climate, rain or shine. In the case of the former, there will be more than two hours of sunlight a day that the solar system can convert to power.

Contributing to the environmental impact of solar energy is easy; simply make the switch to solar.

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